Shawn Leis — Protestant Separate School Board trustee Penetanguishene
My name is Shawn Leis and I have been a resident of Penetanguishene for 23 years. I am a proud father of two Burkevale Protestant Separate School graduates. As a trustee for the past seven years, my primary goal has been to advocate at all levels of the school system — the board, school, staff, parents and students. Having had two sons attend Burkevale for their elementary education, continuing to support this excellent school is a top priority and personal goal. Activities involving children and youth continue to be an extracurricular focus, having recently completed four years on the Penetanguishene Minor Hockey Association board and working as a part-time college instructor.
The attributes I possess, that contribute to fulfilling my role of trustee, include board experience, business acumen and a strong value of a quality education. I have completed board directorship training from DeGroote Business School/Conference Board of Canada and have served on multiple boards, including church stewardship chair and member (10 years) and church vision committee member (one year). As finance chair of the PSSBP, we have moved from an ongoing deficit to five straight years of surpluses (2013-2017), with an additional surplus projected this year.
During my seven-year tenure as a trustee, in addition to holding the finance chair position, I am also a member of the hiring committee and have been the chair of transportation and chair of supervised alternative learning. If elected, priorities will continue to focus on providing the constituents with a balanced budget, while effectively managing our current significant growth patterns.
Being a professional accountant with a master’s degree has led to a successful executive career in manufacturing. Combining my love of education with my business acumen provides a well-rounded professional capable of serving our school’s vision. I want to continue to promote, and celebrate, a school that provides a unique Faith-based education within a tight-knit, family-oriented community.
My contact information is and