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Mark Taylor – Severn Ward 1

I love where I live and I am proud of Severn Township’s beauty and history.

I grew up on a family farm in North River with my 8 siblings and attended SS #8 Matchedash Public School, Coldwater Public School, and Park Street Collegiate Institute in Orillia. I graduated from the University of Guelph with a BSc in Food Science and have been working in the food industry for 40 years.

As a councillor, I supported the water and sewer project in the West Shore, various bridge and road projects in Ward 1, and the start up of the Coldwater Curling Club. I was previously a member of the Severn Sound Environmental Association and I am currently a director on the Southeast Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce. If elected, I will continue to strongly support the Coldwater Community Centre, the Matchedash Community Heritage Centre, the Coldwater Mill, Coldwater Memorial Library, Coldwater Canadiana Museum and the Fire and Emergency Services for the Township, which includes Station 4 in Ward 1 and our Roads Department.

In recent years, the Township has budgeted funds for hamlets, villages, and our beautiful trails and I believe this should be continued.

We must be fiscally responsible with the replacement of the Township’s infrastructure and assets. Our tax payers deserve quality roads and bridges. We have to work with the Provincial Government regarding dangerous fires on crown land, as well as the Province’s Heritage Mapping, which will have a huge impact on future development.

My pledge is to represent the constituents of Ward 1 with a strong and sensible voice and to effectively work with council and staff as a team to ensure the success of the Township.

With your support on Election Day, I will be honoured to serve as councillor of Ward 1 in Severn Township.

Your Vote Matters

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