Jodi Lloyd — SCDSB trustee Orillia-Ramara-Severn

When asked why I want to be a trustee: it is my passion. 

I have a long history of volunteerism whether it be with the Community Foundation, sports, YMCA, Cancer Society or hospital.  I strongly believe in giving back and enhancing the lives of others, especially children. Building a strong education system builds a strong society.

I am married, with three children with strong connections with our youth, their parents and our community. As an insurance adjuster, whose territory includes Orillia, Ramara and Severn and having lived in all three communities,  I understand the uniqueness and needs of each and the challenges of the current labour market.  

I am vice chair of the board and have been for three years, and during my three trustee terms have held various leadership positions including chair business facilities committee, audit committee and the transportation board for eight years, four years as vice chair. I have sat on our special education advisory committee and currently sit on the First Nations education advisory committee. During the last term I participated in a directors search and four supervisory officer selections.

 I am 100 per cent committed to my role. I am a strong voice at the board table and advocate on behalf of all students. I believe in strong fiscal accountability with a long-term vision for making informed decisions. My most important role is that of advocate for students. It Is my responsibility to hold administration responsible for student outcomes and ensure they hear and listen to local communities.

Moving forward we must immediately address under performance in math. We must build stronger transition planning for students grades 8 to 9 and high school to post-secondary to enable our youth to better understand and plan their pathways. We must enhance our guidance and counselling/mentorship services for our students. In this current climate of fiscal restraint, we must maximize our efficiencies, align resources to ensure we deliver programming that meets student needs equitably.  

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